Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Funny Pictures

To change the scheme of things, and to cheer you up today, I decided to post the following pictures. I not only find them amusing, but they are entertaining and they might just make you laugh a little, they might just make you waste your time, or be part of your boredom.


This picture has balls!

And all that mommy wanted was a backrub...

The words speak for themselves...

Good thing I don't have a car or pay for gas...

Buddy, you're not alone, we all feel the same way...

and our wallets agree...

The penguins won't be able to kill me because by the time they try to get me
they will already be under my car...

This is just bound to happen...

Limes have to pee too...

Hilarity Clinton!!!

I love Windows!

Monday, November 28, 2005


These are some of the dates to remember:

May 24, 2001
April 11, 2003
August 24, 2003
June 26, 2004
March 13, 2005
October 14, 2005

P.S. Feliz Cumpleaños a Samuel Pelaez en Bogota.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Birthday to my blog...

Hace un año comenzo toda esto. Tengo abandonado el blog; otra prueba de mi inconsistencia. Pero algo tenia que hacer al respecto. El tiempo esta pasando muy rapido. Es algo enervante. Es increible como tantas cosas pasan en el lapso de un año. En este tiempo entre a mi ultimo año de colegio, abri una cuenta de Gmail, empece a usar Firefox, me afilie a la revista Wired, aplique a universidades, conoci otro continente, sobrevivi un huracan, se murio un papa y hago parte de una relacion a larga distancia.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Bank Account

I once talked to you about starting a bank account together. It would be some savings that we would use later in life to travel, to invest or just to spend around. We both thought it was a great idea because it would be the perfect way in which we would always stay in touch. We were always aware that life would give us separate ways, and the account would be something that would keep us tied despite distance or time. As you know, the idea remained an idea and no action was taken. Today there is no trace of you, only bits of information that I get once in a while. I ask myself, had we had that bank account would we still keep in touch? I think it’s because we don’t have that account that we don’t talk to each other anymore…

P.S. Happy Birthday. It destroys me that I wasn’t able to give you something for the first time in 4 years. Anyway, if you are willing to receive your 21 small bottles…you can just ask me anytime…you know where to find me…

Monday, May 30, 2005

Happy Birthday to me…

La verdad es que el día de mi cumpleaños no es mi día preferido del año (como lo es para muchos). Se supone que hoy se celebra el día de mi nacimiento (y de muchas personas conocidas o desconocidas), pero para mi, el cumpleaños es como un aviso. Un aviso diciéndome que me estoy volviendo vieja, por más de que no haya vivido ni siquiera dos décadas de vida. Un aviso diciéndome que he malgastado el tiempo que llevo aquí y que he desperdiciado muchas oportunidades. Es por esto que me entristece un poco cumplir años. Sin embargo, es impresionante como cambia una persona con el pasar de los años y es por eso que he decidido reunir 17 fotos que me muestran en muchas de mis facetas durante todo este tiempo.
Quiero agregar que hoy fue un día increíble. Empezó muy bien y no pudo terminar mejor. Gracias a todos los que se acordaron.

P.D. Feliz Cumpleaños a Alejandra Fernández en Weston. Feliz cumpleaños a Ana Lucia Martínez en Boston. Y Feliz cumpleaños a todas las personas que nacieron hoy…

Monday, April 04, 2005

What I find myself doing…

Typical Monday night. Finding an excuse not to do the things that I am supposed to be doing. Evading all types of responsibilities yet knowing that that might have serious consequences. Knowing that what I do or fail to do today will not matter in a couple of years. I find myself thinking and writing the usual, without much to say about my life. Listening. Listening to the usual depressing music. The words seem to flow with no actual meaning. I should just stop all this nonsense. I can’t. Closing my eyes and remembering. It’s a matter of nostalgia, knowing that I am lucky to exist. Taking deep breaths, trying to take my minds off the thoughts that invade me right now. No signs of stopping. I decide to look up a word. The meaning: an act or period of shedding tears or shedding tears as the result of a strongly felt emotion. The word: cry. That’s what I find myself doing right now…crying…as usual...

Saturday, March 19, 2005


"The fact that they loved each other was merely proof that the fault lay not in themselves, in their behavior or inconstancy of feeling, but rather their incompatibility; he was strong and she was weak. But when the strong were too weak to hurt the weak, the weak had to be strong enough to leave."

- Anonymous

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Me Nobody Knows

- I have a fear of failure.
- I’m emotionally unstable.
- I have an inferiority complex.
- I don’t believe in love at first sight.
- I believe in true love.
- I regret ever being in love (up to now), but I can’t wait to be in love (for real)
- I cross out things in my agenda with a ruler.
- The hangers in my closet have to have the same distance in between.
- I can’t stand when a paper is not stapled correctly.
- I like self-help and body image books.
- I’m going through an identity crisis (just as every teenager), and I’m trying to figure out who I am.
- I cry at least five times a week, usually at night.
- I read before I go to sleep.
- I am infatuated with pens and writing utensils.
- I hate having choices.
- I’m easily intimidated.
- I’m obsessed with #24.
- I cry in most movies. In the ones I don’t it’s because I either slept through it, or didn’t understand it.
- I have a “Goal Journal” where I keep track of myself.
- I constantly have food cravings.
- I detest trying clothes on.
- My scrapbooks (one for each year since 2000, which I have 4 and currently working on the 5th) are each dedicated to a different person.
- I’m gullible and vulnerable.
- I swallow my feelings and smile, but I often choke.
- I pretend to be strong but I’m extremely fragile.
- I’ve kept all the letters I’ve received since 1999.
- I quit swimming because I’m stupid and I regret it.
- I often put others in front before myself.
- I have several empty journals waiting to be written on.
- I have a million projects started and none of them done.
- I abhor reverse psychology.
- My mentality often collides with that of others.
- I carry too much weight on myself and it’s taking a toll on me, and I hate admitting it.
- I have extremely high expectations for myself.
- I love randomness.
- I hate my birthday.
- I despise goodbyes.
- I sleep too much, I eat too much, and I worry too much.
- I’m a night person.
- I love looking at pictures.
- I’m not physically comfortable with myself.
- I enjoy challenges (physical, emotional, mental).
- I love to dance, even if it is without music.
- I don’t consider myself to have any special talents.
- I’m addicted to MSN Messenger.
- There is not one single day in my life in which I don’t listen to music.
- I don’t like roses or chocolates.
- I’m a procrastinator.
- I work better under pressure.
- I’m not afraid to say that I don’t know something, I’m not afraid to ask questions.
- I hate it when I make the same mistake twice.
- I get upset when my heart controls my mind.
- I wake up in the middle of the night to write down my dreams.
- I brush my teeth at least five times a day.
- I lose patience easily.
- I dislike pets.
- I’m afraid of being emotionally attached to someone, because I always end up hurt.
- I love to read, write and doodle.
- I try to learn from other people’s mistakes. Sometimes I make them even after being warned.
- I don’t like personality labels.
- I’m stubborn and opinionated.
- I collect stationary as well as memories.
- Lately, I’ve started to lose my motivations.
- Happiness, however, is my impetus.
- I’m good at hiding my insecurities.
- I’m aloof and easily distracted.
- I’m sorry I’m flawed, but so is everybody else.
- I have skinned, bleeding knees. I can’t stand up before I’m already on the ground again.
- I collapse when I’m heartbroken, hurt or when someone hurts me.
- I collapsed today.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Aftermath of Valentine's Day

P.D. Feliz Cumpleaños a Juliana Londoño en Bogotá...
A Gustavo Lorgia: I just don't know what to say. I care about you and everything you say matters. We need to talk...

Thursday, January 27, 2005

No Expectations

It’s the first time I write this year on the weblog. Why? Well, is not like there hasn’t been any lack of time, or lack of inspiration, the thing is that I have so much I have to say that I don’t know where to start.
I guess I’m going to start off talking about this whole topic of the year 2004. This year is going to be a difficult one, because I think that 2004 has been one of the best years of my life and it's going to be very difficult for 2005 to keep up. Last year, I used to tell myself everyday “You have no limits”, “Do things that make you feel good about yourself” and “This is the best year ever”. Despite all the hardships and difficult times I went through it was a great year.

I just thought it would be a great idea to talk about some of the mayor events that occurred in my life this past year. Here are some highlights of the ones that I considered the most important.

2 – On this day I returned to my reality from Bogota.
5 – I discovered that I was emotionally attached to MSN Messenger after spending sessions up to 5 a.m.

8 – I went to “Cirque du Soleil” and saw the show “Alegria”.
16 -22 – We had a week off school. During this “Ski Week” I stayed at home doing absolutely nothing. This has been the longest period of my life that I’ve had without taking a shower.
29 – This year was a leap year. On this day I did not do anything important but I just thought it would be nice to mention it.

3 – My knitting abilities were at their apex. I knitted like four “mochilas”. Sorry to those of you who I promised one and did not keep my promise. I owe you…
5 – I went to John Mayer’s concert. Yay!
9 – I like to call this day “Pie Day” for I was taught how to bake the most amazing pecan pie in the world.
13 – This day my parents bought a new TV. It is huge and it is awesome.
20 – I went to one of the greatest concerts I’ve been to: Michel Tolcher, Matt Nathanson and Gavin DeGraw.

3-11 – Me and my family went to San Francisco for Spring Break.
25-27 – Me getting sick was like part of my routine. During these days I was “ronca”. It happens a lot lately.
28 – My dear friend Joey DiLeo gave me a picture of him stuck on a popsicle stick. He said “it’s so you don’t forget me".
28 – During this entire month of April, we sang happy birthday to my math teacher Mr. Kelsey everyday. It was hilarious, especially because his real birthday is in August.

11- My mom had to go to Bogota to get hospitalized.
17 – My friend Carolina Bahamon had surgery.
21 – It was Graduation Day for my sister.
24 – A day to remember. Beginning of the Six-Day Mistery that would lead me to my birthday gift.
30 – My 16th Birthday.

2 – I went to Jason Mraz’s concert.
8 – I broke up with Santiago.
11- Spent all day working on Santiago’s 20th Birthday (20 x 20 gift).
15 – Traveled to Bogota.

2-16 – I went to summer camp “Kajuyali” in Costa Rica. The name of the campus was “Shiwamba”. I completed the Kamunitzali.
4 – My sister came back to Weston and made our house a party central.
30 – I went to see the stand up comedy “Pelota de Letras”.

10 – Came back to Miami.
11- Inaguration of 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens.
18 – Howie Day’s concert. It was actually O.A.R’s concert but I was only interested in Howie.
23 – First Day of School. I started 11th grade.
24 – I was given a really cool painting with a big 24 in the middle. (I just happen to be obsessed with that number).
26 – I had a really horrible tedious nervous breakdown. However, my friend and future husband Carlitos Fernandez surprised me with his visit on my desperation.

2-5 Hurricane Frances visited us.
20 – I started writing a little “Goal Book”. It’s like my own therapy because I don’t feel like paying to go to one. It helps me to stay focused on what I want to do.
25 – Hurricane Jeanne visited us.
29 – Closing Ceremony for the Summer Olympics.
30 – I finally got my Permit in order to drive.

4-8 Class of 2006 Orange team places 2nd in the annual Battle of the Grades.
25 – My parents travel to Europe.
10 – I start my weblog.
26 – I have the second Nervous Breakdown of the year.

5 – I get clear braces on. It is a pain but I want to have a nice smile so I might as well just get it over with and deal with it now.
9 – Buckingham’s Class of 2006 is on a search for a party. I submitted many votes, but unfortunately, they did not win.
16 – Forensics Tournament where I placed 2nd on Impromptu Speaking.
26 – Pipo’s Birthday Party. He turns 21, his gift from me is awesome!

7 – My mom’s 40th Birthday.
17 – Trip to Bogota.
20 – Mass in honor of Intalpel being 50 years old.
25 – Traveled to Cartagena.
26 – Tsunami disaster in East Asia.
28 – Traveled to Mompox. Concierto de Silvestre Dangond.
29 – Distribution of groceries to poor families in the surroundings of Mompox.

I also want to bring up the topic of New Year’s Celebration. It had always been a time to spend with my family, and contrary to many of my friends, I have never started a year (literally) with my family not being by my side. The last few minutes of 2004 and the first minutes of 2005 were incredible. I sat by myself, outside, looking at the moon, let just say reflecting on my surroundings, being thankful, analytical and looking forward to the New Year. I was glad I started the year with hugs from many people. I took a suitcase, walked along a street, because I wanted to have a year full of travel (the good thing is that this traveling thing happened sooner than I thought, for I had to travel on January 2), and then came back to the house.
The particular thing about the start of 2005 was that it started just the same as 2004, without resolutions. People have this thing for making up as many New Year’s Resolutions as they can, and I find that to be sometimes harmful. I was one of those people, I always used to promise myself this or that, and at the end of the year, I would be extremely disappointed for not having achieved what I thought I would. I guess this is what made last year an amazing one. This is the motto for this year:
Why? Well, by the time December comes I won’t be disappointed, and just because I don’t have resolutions doesn’t mean that I’m not going to strive to do my best, on the contrary, it serves as an incentive to live a year better than the last. The beauty of not having New Year’s resolutions is that I can start a resolution any day of the year.
Also, I’ve always had this thing for odd years. I do not know why but for some reason years that are even (i.e. 2004) always seem to be better than the odds. Let just see how this one goes….